Names and pronouns?

O'Bryen will answer to O'Bryen or Mouse and uses he/him or they/them pronouns. Madz will answer to Madz, Landon, or Pumpkin and uses they/them or xe/xem/xyr pronouns. They will also answer to he/him pronouns if you find it difficult to use they/them.

This is an outdoor event in the woods in September.

There is no backup plan for rain. If it rains, we will still be having the ceremony outdoors and just deal with being wet. Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather and to use bug spray and sunscreen.

The theme is medieval fantasy. Think of a renaissance festival.

We encourage you to dress in faire garb, but please avoid the wedding colors, which are purple, silver, and champagne gold.

What is the dress code?

At minimum, please go with dressy casual or a renaissance-festival appropriate costume. If you'd like to go fancier just for fun you are more than welcome to do so. :) Again, please do make sure to avoid the wedding colors. Do keep in mind that the dance floor will be on grass (and maybe gravel) and that there may be mud.

Are small children allowed?

Of course! It's a celebration of family. There's a game room, an outdoor pool, and a lake with lifejackets and a canoe for them to enjoy. Please do keep in mind that the property line is against a state park which has over 50 acres of forest. Keep an eye on your kids - we don't want anything to happen to them.

Will you be doing the chair dance?

It is called the Hora, and yes we will! Here is a link where you can learn to dance the Hora.

Is there anything we should be aware of when attending a Jewish wedding?

You will be hearing both English and Hebrew being spoken. Usually, the men all wear yarmukles, but as non-jews, you are under no obligation to do so. You can if you want, though :) Between the ceremony and the reception, Madz and O'Bryen will have a yichud (a small break) alone together to enjoy each other's company as newlyweds without the excitement of the rest of the wedding. During this time you are free to wander and mingle while our helpers set out food.

Is there anything we should be aware of when attending a Pagan wedding?

You will see bones and fur and such - these are all real and obtained ethically. There will be bonfires on the premises, so if you are bringing small children keep an eye on them. Dancing is HIGHLY encouraged, and if you would like, please feel free to bring a dish to the feast table. Traditionally, the food at a Pagan wedding is more of a potluck, but we will make sure there is food for everyone regardless. There will be lit incense - asthmatics beware, but it will be outdoors.

Guidelines for if you wish to bring a dish to the feast table

We and several of our family members have DEADLY FOOD ALLERGIES. Whatever you bring please label with a cuecard of ingredients. Do NOT bring anything containing: GARLIC, PEANUTS, TREE NUTS, SHELLFISH, SESAME, OR SOY. And obviously, do not bring anything with pork. The garlic allergy is a big one. Many processed foods such as pasta sauce and various spice mixes contain garlic, even if you wouldn't expect it. DO NOT BRING ANYTHING WITH ANY AMOUNT OF GARLIC - please triple check the ingredients of anything you plan on using. Do not worry about bringing large quantaties of food. If you have any questions or concerns about this, of course, please feel free to reach out to either Madz or O'Bryen.

This is outdoors - what's the bathroom situation?

We will have 5 portalets on the property with a handwashing station with both soap and hand sanitizer. Please do not use the bathrooms in the cabin, as nobody but the wedding party is allowed inside.

Parking situation?

Parking will be in a field, and the roads to the venue are very narrow and winding. Please be careful. We will also not have parking attendants, but we will make sure that the parking area is clearly marked.


Please feel free to take as many photos as you want - we'd love for you to send them our way! However, please refrain from posting any photos of the grooms for one week after the wedding. Photos of anything else are fine, though. We are just trying to avoid an immediate onslaught of messages from friends and family who did not attend while we are recuperating from the wedding.